Preparation for the Final Hour

Preparation for the Final Hour

What does the ‘Final Hour’ mean? [40 years to go] In which year does it begin? 2030-2033

Seven Things to Prepare

  • Put your spiritual things in order/ forgiveness/ indebtedness and practice Faith and Virtue

  • Prepare for, ‘Seeking Periods’, [Feast of Booths]

  • Be vigilant to keep family, friends, fellows and fall-outs, in prayer

  • Be more concerned about your the condition of your heart than your possessions

  •  Learn to re-invest your material things, into spiritual things [Rev 3:

  • Be patient, learn patience, teach patience

  • Learn the word of God, how to rightly discern its truths, how to trust His saying more than circumstances, how it can be your guiding light when all else is darkness

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